Monday, September 29, 2008
hey guys!! here's an update for upcoming net event! yes, OUR ex- net!!! haha!! we'll be having another one of the crazy xmas party this year again, at jean's house again!! tentatively, on
19th december, friday. so probably we'll have net together or something along the lines of that kiex. its gonna be fun, fun, fun, and more fun! so everyone, please book your calenders!! as for people like shaun, try to escape from camp!! and OLD people like xian and shenzhi, take early leaves or skip course!! haha!!
some highlights for this year (well, it isnt exactly planned yet, but jeans just trying to make them up=D):
- there will be NO lvp VS manu match this year!! so dont expect crazy people like darren and samuel tan to just crash in and dance around the house!! its gonna be peaceful! HAHA!! and anyways, if there was a lvp VS manu match, lvp would win again=)
- big time wii and ps2 gaming session again!!!
- probably play monopoly, game of life, twister, taboo, etc, all the way into the morning!!!
- talk crap like non stop with everyone! lovely!
- and probably, if anyone comes up with something retarded, you MIGHT see jean's crazy re-enactment of whacking her own head with a chair >.- (although thats unlikely to happen, sorry to disappoint you shaun!)
- sleeping around the house like cockroaches again! this time, no way is xian and cleone gonna get my nice nice room and beds to sleep in! all on the floor and be like cockroaches!
- and not forgetting FOOD!!! and PRESENTS!!!! and bday celebrations!! pst pst*
- and probably, crazy idea by me and dawn, make joshua perform for us! cos jean has piano at home already! and depending on whether i get drums already, we can jam at my house and bring the whole pasir ris down!!!
oh wells, some highlights those are! its more like what happened last year! ok you can tell that jeans really high and excited about this=) yes!! so once again everyone,
19 DEC 2008, FRIDAYjean reporting!
+ yixian was here
5:06 PM