Saturday, May 10, 2008
it's amazing watching what God's doing in our net! =D
we've been talkin about
the marks of a disciple. do recall guys!
1. disciples are called
2. disciples are
commited to the person of Jesus (tee hee.. we always forget this one)
3. disciples remain in Christ
4. disciples have the Father's heart
5. discples bear fruit
6. discples glorify God and not themselves
yupp.. n yesterday ezekiel taught a rly gd lesson n led a rly fruitful discussion. super uber happy seein how everyone's openin up, volunteerin answers n like seriously discussin la. haha. =D great job ezekiel, despite havin such a bad week at sch..
den shared abit abt
Prayer. we read this short lil extract from one of my fav books.
When Aslan sends Digory and Polly on the back of the flying horse Fledge in quest of the silver apple, they stop for the night in a valley in the heart of the mountains. The children are hungry, and Digory wonders why no arrangement was made for their meals.
“I’m sure Aslan would have, if you’d asked him,” said Fledge.
“Wouldn’t he knows without being asked?” said Polly.
“I’veno doubt he would,” said the Horse… “But I’ve a sort of idea he likes to be asked.”
It’s as if Fledge has read the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask of Him.”
If God knows our needs before we ask, why does he want us to ask. I can see two reasons. First, it’s a matter of alignment. God wants us to want what he knows we should have. He wants out mind to get in step with his and recognize our needs through his perspective. Out prayers show how closely we are aligned – or not. Second, God wants us to pray for what he wants to give so we will acknowledge him as the source of all we have. Prayer for our needs expresses our awareness of our continual dependence on him. An the more we pray and see how prayers are answered, including which are answered, which are not, the closer we come to the mind of God and learn to blend our wills with his.
ok n best part. even worship! has always been a struggle. cause i get seriously rly scared 2 play e guitar durin worship, my left hand will grasp e neck rly tightly. but amelia's been so great with helpin with e singing through simple things like helpin e others know when to come in wen they're leadin worship.
yay!! i love my net!!
+ yixian was here
11:35 AM