a big thank you to jean, becky and their mum for hosting us... so ya here's what you guys missed out on... well me and cleo actually planned games for u guys but the wii and soccer took up most of the daylight hours haaha... =D
there was fooood, glorious food...
with the warm feeling of being around our beloved brothers and sisters in christ...
we watched the man utd vs liverpool match together...
and what is a soccer game without the mad people who dance like who knows what... too bad dawn didnt get a video of them in action...
can u see it in his eyes?
and then! came xian with the bday cake! =D
VIDEO: of cuz, which led to the bday song that owned our boss hahaha...
the dec bday babies...
not forgetting shen zhi's brownie which she baked tho she has final year project to do... =D
and boss xian brought her wii for us to play!
VIDEO:Wise words from the golden dinosaur long kang (wow that is like super combo nickname suan hahaha)
this is shaun signing off... i'll give u guys the link to the full photo alblum cuz now i got like 1GB of videos to upload muhahahaa! =D