So ya the net cyclist-cameraman forgot to take videos of our mad journey from tampines to yishun and then back to yishun again during most exciting circumstances... here are some videos of those that he did remember...
first up, an accident on the highway...
then we approached yishun town yayy!
and i tried to get them to entertain me but i guess they were all pretty beat from the 2h+ cycle (makes you wonder how did we take 8h to get from yishun to east coast eh?)
Some of us acting cute outside audrey lee's school after being sleep deprived haha...
and the still versions of that haha...
and two pics to finish it off... here's one of an accident between a bus and a lorry, completely sealing off the entire four lanes during our journey up to yishun for TDM. =D
and lastly, this is what TDM's central command centre looks like... notice what we use as paper weights hahaha...